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related tags: 000000 1F1914 24180F 5A3E30 5C574D 5C5849 5D574D 655E40 665A44 70371A 8F907D 965C33 989A73 9D9689 A1683A A18C71 A2987B A3A9A0 A4A7A2 A7997F A7ADB0 A9ACAE ABAFA1 AEB59A B6A167 B99059 BEC0AD C5AD91 C6C9A4 C75401 C8CFC6 C9CDC8 D4D4D3 D4D5D2 D56206 DAD4C5 DFAF77 E2F6FD E5D8BA E8F3F6 activism affiche alexanderplatz altruistic amusing anarchie anarchy arbeit arbeiter august1945 avertissement bac bald baldness banks banque bauarbeiter be beiderarbeit being berlin berlinmitte britishcolumbia bruit building bureau canada cannery capitalization chauve city complaint concrete conserverie construction constructor corporation cranium creative dangereuse dangereux dangerous de desk deutschland displaywindow do door dormir douleurs duro edile eltrabajador emploi entrance escabeau escalier escaliers esclavage facade fassade fenster floor freedom funny graffiti hammer head headache interesting is job johnmailer kick kind la labor laborer labour labourer lac ladder laescalerilla lapointe lavoratore lavoro leiter liberty libraryandarchivescanada machinedechrcuteriesmith mal marteau maux mensch menschen message migraine minimum minimumwage mitte montreal namu nationalfilmboardofcanada noise notice obrero office officenationaldufilmducanada oldmontreal operaio ort ouvrier people peopleatwork place plainte please plq point pointe pointesaintcharles pointestcharles politics porte poulet profession psc quartier saintcharles salaire salaireminimum salmon saumons scaletta schaufenster shoes sign signe slavery sleep smithbutcheringmachine stairs stcharles stepladder stingray storewindow strasenfotografie street streetfotografie streetphotography sudouest technik technique thema thepoint toiler trabajador trabajo trabalho travail travailleur trittleiter under urbain urban wage wall walls warn warning well wellbeing window with work worker your 585650