richardcarr color palettes
related tags: 000000 191B13 1A1818 1B1F0F 1F1B1F 321broadway 321wbroadway 3B3748 3D3B44 436F31 49403F 495F41 4E3D39 54AB54 55555F 5ED36E 615C58 665B53 69605A 6A956A 705E52 71778E 787B87 7BB683 7F838E 847D74 857C77 8C7A70 8C7D6C A5A2A1 A7A19E ABA9AA ACA7A9 B7B6B7 BBBDC3 BDBEC1 BFFFC2 C0C0C0 C1BFC0 CCCDD2 CECED0 CFF0D1 D4D1D0 D6D0CE and andyglenn basement basementrepair bethtischler brick brucewholf buildingcode buildinginspection central centralave civilrights concrete contractor cowards criminalsummonsfromthecityofmaumee diversified diversifiedgroup diversifiedgroupllc fakers falseaddress foia fools foundation frauds freedomofinformation group health healthandsafety holland idiots incompetent incompetents kevin kevinoberhouse law lawdirector lawyers liars maildrop markwestcott maumee maumeemayor maumeeohio mayor minimum minimumstandards minimumstandardsofhealthandsafety mortar nocodeenforcement nuisance oberhouse of ohio ohiofortimide2 ohiolaw ohiorevisedcode orc oregon oregonohio patrickburtch perrysburg public publicnuisance railrd rall rallroad rebuild redtags renovation repair resignnow richardcarr richcarr robertwestcott safety sixredtags springfield standards stopwork stopworkorders summons sylvania timberframe tischler toledo toledobasement toledobasementrepair toptobottom totalmakeover unethical ups upsstore waterville zachjenkins 191918 201921 252425 262325 505164 788096