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pfc color palettes

#678105 #44463A #7BAF29 #DBBA29 #8C9B9E
#6D9400 #436D00 #8CB202 #90B51B #9FC20E
#434732 #93B10E #C5C72A #CBC319 #B5977C
#504128 #BC6235 #C7A53B #E7B194 #778C51
#62625E #2C2C28 #A1A19D #E1E1DD #82827E

related tags: 1st 2B2B29 2C2C28 3B5016 42433D 436D00 44463A 463F32 576B18 61615F 62625E 6D9400 737E60 73862E 748D4A 778C51 7BAF29 7C8F41 81817F 82827E 84953B 8C9B9E 8CB202 90B51B 93B10E 9A6D57 9E9A45 9FA051 9FC20E 9th A0A09E A1A19D A4935E A7988A AF9E56 B5977C BC6235 C5C72A C7A53B CBC319 D2B7A9 DBBA29 E0E0DE E1E1DD E7B194 a aerial airport along alpha aviation background battalion bay be ben bong boundary brandon by c172 cascade cavalry cessna class coast commands crouches czbb despite division everywherequot fellow fire first gord gordmckenna grazing head high his hyattsville incoming intense march mckenna md medic member members michael morning near nikon north one other own pfc photos private quothe reconnaissance recruiting row said sargeant school scrambled seemed son south sunny sunrise team treat treeline under unit us vietnam vietnamese war while white with wound wounded 1967 404238 434732 504128 556224 678105 798836 919899 49106547