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#666662 #2A2A26 #A3A39F #D5D5D1 #81817D
#63635F #2D2D29 #9E9E9A #E8E8E4 #82827E
#646460 #33332F #A0A09C #D9D9D5 #81817D
#000000 #000000 #000000 #000000 #000000

related tags: 000000 2A2A26 2C2C2A 2D2D29 33332F 63635F 80807E 81817D 81817F 82827E 9D9D9B 9E9E9A 9F9F9D A0A09C A2A2A0 A3A39F D4D4D2 D5D5D1 D8D8D6 D9D9D5 E7E7E5 E8E8E4 a after against airlifted ambush an antique are area arms army auction bank blow by cabinet caliber camau captured card cc center chief civil combed communist confederate cong crossing deep defence designed district ditch during eager engage flooded for force fought found gang gave giers government ground guerrilla guerrillas heavy helicopters hindman including james jamesyounger jesse jungles killed killing large last leslie machinegun manhunt march marines miles militiamen millimeter mission missouri mortar most mud namas nashville no old others out outlaw part photographer photogsfinder powerful province quantity rebels robber rooted s saigon searching sign sit slosh some south southern spite stunning tennessee that their they through took train training troops two twoday unit us viet vietnam vietnamese village vintage waistedeep war water way weapons week west who with woodson wounded xuyen 12 24 40 50 81 117 200 4000 51000 292927 323230 626260 636361 646460 656563 666662 49119061 49129429 49131153