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5ccb00 color palettes

#2D1D05 #6E3200 #7B7800 #2D7A00 #5CCB00

related tags: 231B0F 2D1D05 2D7A00 4E300F 57550F 5CCB00 6E3200 7B7800 aloft approaches built carries course cross dedicated dissolution endure far fiftynine forgiveifyouhavetorndown healifyouhavejudged hexagram higher his huan huandissolutiondispelinflexibledemandsfearsofthemindsothatyoumayreuniteintheheartifyouhavebegrudged iching if king laser letgo lives may mists pardonifyouhavegrasped power repairifyouhaveinjured rulers sage serving stay sticks still success temple temples that the their wind you 59 9606 325815 609831