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dance of air and fire color palette

#643D0E #BD5000 #C59757 #DCCFB3 #FDEFCF
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related tags: 50402E 643D0E 976B4B 9E8B71 B0AB9F BD5000 C59757 CAC5B8 DCCFB3 FDEFCF air airandfire american americanart americanartmuseum art artcenter artgallery artist centerforamericanart collection contemporary contemporarycraft craft dance danceofairandfire dc districtofcolumbia exhibit fire folkart foundation gallery henryluce luce lucefoundation lucefoundationcenter lucefoundationcenterforamericanart manship museum nationalportraitgallery painting paintings paulmanship portraitgallery saam sculpture smithsonian smithsonianamericanartmuseum smithsonianinstitute smithsonianinstitution washingtondc