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hoary diplopappus from edwards’s botanical register (1829—1847) by sydenham edwards, john lindley, and james ridgway. original from the biodiversity heritage library. digitally enhanced by rawpixel. color palette

#696850 #ADA697 #F2F2F0 #CEB8AD #9D8067
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related tags: 1800s 1800spublicdomain 19th 19thcentury 9D8067 A7A49C ADA697 C6BBB6 CEB8AD F1F1F0 F2F2F0 artpublicdomain artwork ashytansyaster backgroundfree beautiful bloom blossom botanical botany branch british bud cc0 century copyrightfreepublicdomain creativecommons creativecommons0 daisy decor decoration drawing england engraving floral flower flowerspublicdomain foliage freebackground freebackgrounds garden greatbritain green handcolored highresolutionpublicdomain hoaryaster hoarytansyaste horticultural horticulture illustration illustrationpublicdomain leaf magazine natural nature orchid ornamental periodical petal pictorial pink plant plantspublicdomain publicdomain publicdomain1800s publicdomainart publicdomainflowers publicdomainimages publicdomainplants publicdomainprints red retro royaltyfreepublicdomain thebotanicalregister tint vintage vintageillustrationpublicdomain whitebackground 636256 696850 908174