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the illustrated sporting news. christmas number (ca. 1890– 1900) print in high resolution by edward penfield. original from library of congress. digitally enhanced by rawpixel. color palette

#332C17 #5B5338 #EFE9DE #B4AC9A #B77041
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related tags: 19thcentury 2C291E 332C17 524E41 5B5338 99765E ADA9A0 B4AC9A B77041 EAE7E2 EFE9DE antique art artnouveau artwork cc0 celebrate celebration christmas christmasnumber classic couple creativecommons creativecommons0 design designresource downloadable drawing edwardpenfield festive graphic highdefinition highquality highresolution illustration lithograph man merry merrychristmas merryxmas old penfield people poster print printable publicdomain season seasonal sportingnews theillustratedsportingnews toasting vintage woman wreath xmas