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the mater hospital in dublin - ireland - has so many buildings, i can't even find the main entrance here! but then i do not want to find that entrance! 14/11/2009! the architectural merit is absolutely there!some bad greed lives also here! color palette

#061310 #2C7E7B #F8FFFF #FFFFFF #42C0D9
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related tags: 061310 080D0B 2C7E7B 42C0D9 4C8A96 D3E2C0 F7E6B6 F8FFFF appointment badfood badmoney decay decayed discriminating doctor doctors dublin euro europe european facade ffffff food greed greedchaser happytime historic holiday irish irishhospital irishpride lesshappy longwaiting materhospital modern moneypayments nohappiness nohospitality northdublin northerndublin nosmiles privatehospital raceragainstgreed sad story unfriendlystaff unholydoctors upfrontpayment urban urbandesign urbanhospital vacation world 335453