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macadamia (macadamia ternifolia) (1904) by deborah griscom passmore. original from u.s. department of agriculture pomological watercolor collection. rare and special collections, national agricultural library. digitally enhanced by rawpixel. color palette

#8C5604 #6B3A00 #FCF6DD #DBC08D #B48435
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related tags: 1900s 1900spublicdomain 20thcentury 50371A 6A4F26 6B3A00 8C5604 947C55 B48435 C8BAA1 DBC08D F4F1E5 FCF6DD artprint artpublicdomain branch brown copyrightfreepublicdomain deborahgriscompassmore design dgpassmore graphic half highdefinition highresolutionpublicdomain illustrated illustration illustrationpublicdomain leaf leaves leavespublicdomain macadamia macadamianut macadamiaternifolia nut nutshell plant plantspublicdomain poster printable publicdomain publicdomain1900s publicdomainart publicdomainimages publicdomainleaves publicdomainplants queenslandnut royaltyfreepublicdomain shell style vintage vintageillustrationpublicdomain wallart whole