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a new german open source project - corona-warn-app helps in the fight against the pandemic color palette

#1F1C1C #5B5E5C #F5FEFC #A1AEB4 #A87B86
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related tags: 1E1D1D 1F1C1C 5B5E5C 5C5D5C 9D868C A1AEB4 A6ACAF A87B86 F5FEFC F7FCFB against android ansteckung ansteckungsrisiko app application appstore ausbruch corona coronakrise coronavirus coronawarnapp covid19 dataprotection datenschutz deutsch deutschland disease download downloaden entwicklung fight german germany gesundheit gesundheitsamt getestet government handy health help icon infected infizierte installieren kontakte kontaktpersonen krankheit krise logo mobile neuinfektionen online open pandemic pandemie phone playstore positiv prevention project protection risiko sarscov2 smartphone source technologie technology tracing tracingapp tracking virus warn warnen warning warnung zweitewelle