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dystopia color palettes

#775A39 #FFF1AB #FFFFEF #E8C89F #C39448
#061D13 #437661 #FFFFFF #C7DFC7 #A7996F
#000020 #002990 #000B69 #0048C1 #156CEC
#160000 #780000 #CF0000 #FF8700 #FFFFB1
#376C25 #59B462 #67C48C #B8FAB4 #BFAE2E

related tags: 0E1713 000020 000B69 002990 0048C1 040C1A 061D13 0F2E54 156CEC 234A73 376C25 41563A 436A9A 4A5E56 59B462 5F5346 602C14 678ABD 67C48C 6C906F 775A39 789D86 85806F 98925E 9C896B A54D20 A7996F A9B2A8 AEC8AC B8FAB4 B9AD9C BFAE2E C39448 C7DFC7 CF0000 D19F5D DCCFB3 E8C89F E8EDE5 ECE6D5 F6E8C2 FF8700 FFF1AB FFFFB1 FFFFEF alternate ancestor bet bingo blue blues body broken butterflydomino cameo cars causes causing character cielo colorful control convector coolness daft dark die dinosaurs distopia doubles dwcffchild dystopia effect emotions emptiness end endless event evil explaining feelings ffffff fleamarket flores flower flying foto fotomanipulacion future gimp gloomy green have headache historical hyperspace imaging inspires it itself itsmellsbadhere jfk kid kill letterx loneliness loop lost lottery lyrics machine manipulacion manipulation massiveattack nonlinear obligatory ocean once oops or paradox past photomanipulation pink plantas plants portal punk races rain resolves right roboto rosas save send set sky songs stop stuck surveillance swap swirly then thoughts thx time toynbee travel universe up warning water went what win with wrong you your yourself 1984 110605 160000 437661 780000