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this fascinating collection of anatomical illustrations is created by arnauld-eloi gautier-dagoty (1741-1771) for the royal college of medicine of nancy in lorraine, france. dagoty elegantly depicted muscles of the human body as perceived by scientists in color palette

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related tags: 736F50 857D3E 8F8B6A A29A58 AE793B CD8F71 DAD7C9 E2DBC1 FA8044 anatomy arnaudeloi arnaudeloigautierdagoty arnauldeloigautierdagoty body bodypart bones cc0 courscompletdanatomiepeintetgraveencouleursnaturelles creativecommon0 creativecommons0 fullbody gautierdagoty handdrawing human humanbody inside knowledge medical muscle otherkeywords posteriorview publicdomain red skeleton skeletonstructure structure study tissue vintage 927758