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my sister lisa, mom dee lane, celebrating with a bottle of cheap andres champagne, flaming snowball, russan samovar, clock, photo of lisa on grandfather's chest, mirror, new year's 1972, 4434 east 5th ave, anchorage, alaska, usa color palette

#5C3422 #A96C3E #CF9C48 #CFC5A9 #5796A3
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related tags: 4434east5thave 4E3931 5796A3 5C3422 6A8A90 8F7059 A96C3E AE946A C6C1B2 CF9C48 CFC5A9 alaska anchorage celebratingwithabottleofcheapandreschampagne clock dead family flamingsnowball happy happynewyear late mirror momdeelane mysisterlisa new newyears1972 passedon photooflisaongrandfatherschest russansamovar usa year 20171222040559