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e_15 college hill - s. t. joshi and friends of lovecraft at st. john’s (king's) cathedral (1810) and churchyard (1722) - 271 north main street - looking south color palette

#584E39 #A59280 #FF5142 #DBE5E2 #E5C0A3
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related tags: 504B40 584E39 9C9289 A59280 D5C2B4 DBE5E2 DDE2E1 E5C0A3 EC827B FF5142 allan ann california carter case cathedral centennial charles church college cthulhu cthulhuwho1 cthulhuwho1com curwen dexter edgar eliza episcopal h hart helen hill house island john johns joseph joshi kings lovecraft loveman main munn north p poe providence randolph rhode ri s samuel sarah shunned st statement street t the ward warner whitman will willhart william williamhart 1990