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21 сентября 2014, Рождество Пресвятой Богородицы / 21 september 2014, the nativity of the theotokos color palette

#654E3B #AD8663 #039DFF #F4E9C2 #D9AF95
 toggle vibrant/dull palettes toggle inspiration image

related tags: 039DFF 4C99DF 5A4F46 654E3B 9B8775 AD8663 C8B3A6 D9AF95 E8E2CF F4E9C2 academy administration alt ambrose ancient angel archbishop architecture archpriest art assembly bell bishop bw chapel choir christ christian church communion cross culture day deacon dom done flickr flowers icon komarov light liturgy love malyarov memorial memory mission molitva monk music nativity new pantokrator people photo portrait pravoslavie pray prayer press priest regent religion remember rise russia saint saintpetersburg seminary sermon service sobor spb spbda spbpda spiritual students sunday